December 15, 2005 - at the office when i was watching TV ( bloody hell office )
just couple weeks ago , i had my 37 birthday. syukur alhamdullillah ya Allah i can have a beautiful family, cute wife, and adorable sons. so wonderful .... Fabi ayyi alaa-i rabbikumaa tukadzibaan ... what else i can complain about it
few years ago, when i was loosing my Mom, i am so desperately confess that i had loose everything, that was the time when i am realize it is hard to believe that Allah love me. because i afelt that i loose everything i had. nothing can make me proud than show my Mom that i am succeed on something. today i can only tell all about it on her grave yard. it was a real difficult time for me. i never ever dream that i can escape from it.

I was took my playgroup in 1978 it was BudiRini elementary school, at jl. Pandanaran Semarang this school had already been broke down and build a store/office (suaramerdeka) , i am not sure whether this school is still exist or not , that was the time when i enjoy the fun having so nice memory although i am not quite well recall the exact event. i just remember it was the time i had a dance with a girl ! it is the time i felt so shame 'cause i came school so late. then i was the time when i was so angry because nobody pick me up from the school... bete ngga sih pulang sekolah jalan kaki sendiri.... it was the time when i was realize that there was a real good theacher who taught us well and so patiently. we was still live in pekunden , a small village close to simpang lima, there was where people get drunk and gambling almost all over the night, specially when there was a special occasion such as ngantenan and sunattan pasti mabok dan judi - then in that year we moved to Kebonharjo, a small black area where you can find prostitution, gambler, drunker, mass-fighter, crook, criminal, and flood !
I hate to say that it was the most difficult time of my life, when i was in elementary school - sd citarum - i think i was not getting along so much with kids arround my neighbourhood. i almost get very busy with my friends in my school, i took a bycicle gank, where on every saturday night we drag our bike all together arround the city, at the very first time it was so much fun, i have 3 very close friend, we made our own small gank we called it PFC ! Papa Four Club ! Papa is our Capital word "nick" name : Pithik - Plendid - Patrone? - Pesek ! Pithik is Dion - Plendid is Agus - Patrone is Aris and Pesek is me i was called Pheizheque because of my flat-nose ! i am not sure Aris called Patrone (?) i really forget ...what can i say it's more than 20 years ago ! Aris is the one who finally resign from our gank because he oftenly get in dispute with Dion or Agus so far i am just in the middle, i was still okay with all of them, the other month Dion was also quit too. then PFC is just furnish ! Gone !
I also had a new friend, in my 5/6 grade, his name is Yunanto, i still have his contact number till now. we often take my bike together when we go home from school, he often took me to a cinema, where we only pay half from the price, it was liga mahasiswa ( college student league ) film weekly ! that was the time i saw an adult movie . so weird to know that we still wear a short-pants while all the college student wear a long pants. i still remember i sneak arround peping a beautiful girl , he was the one who provoke me to do that, i can not resist how beautiful she was..... how rude ! one day i had i bad memory of sneaking arround with him. it was the time when we dont have money at all, and the movie is one of popular movie at that time ( i can not remember what is the title of it ). we took a black alley arround the cinema, we climbed the huge wall and door, broke the seal and get inside a washing room and diesel warehouse to get to the movie. thank God we did not catch ! but it was the very first time i realize that i am a real thieve
Well , from that moment we promise not to do that again in the future !
So weird !
It's already at December 16, 2005
and my childhood story is still continued tomorrow.
Keep in touch my friend.