
Mamah was born in Wonogiri - Solo - Surakarta , central of java province in 1945/46 03rd of february , she was only graduated from junior high school , until she had to go far far away from her family, because she had to work at the salvation army bandung at the church and hospital - west of java island. she had to be a nurse and doctor assistance from where she knowlegde much about how to treat babies - old ages person and housewives. What a pity she havent told me how beauty of life there. She just told me how miserably and rudely days of become a nurse. A nurse mean "JONGOSSS" - a real servant, someone who was more like a real slave to the have ! She had to wake up at the early morning just to prepare the morning for all of the patients. she must awake from the day on without any single time of rest just to have lunch, she must sleep at late of the night waiting for the patients felt asleep, at the middle of the night she must be ready to wake up urgently while there is a problems on all of the patients. Again, she must wake up early in the morning. For the rest of the day - week and month , she had nothing else to do just work work and work as a real slave.

I saw one picture whe she had to go to a waterfall with my father and all of the gank in the hospital, what i can see is just a person who is in different time and different place, it was clear that she was not happy ! she did not enjoy the trip ! one thing in her mind is just work and work. my father told me then, she had to be punished and special warning from the senior because she was not on her post ! after all it was a holiday ! what a pity Mother.
On her wedding , i can see how release she was. seemed like she was just go away from a prison.
i am quite understand , it is more like a dream come true for her. i can not imagine how happy she was.