New Year's Eve 2006
We departed from semarang at arround 12.30 just after the Jum'atan at Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Then we stop by at Kampoeng Kopi Banaran - until arround 15.15, we start again to drive the car to Solo. it's long windy / slippery road, because we have to fight againts the shower rain all over the journey. finally we can arrive at Solo at 16.05 , what a slow ! cause for an ordinary driver Semarang - Solo can only be spent for not more than 3 hours. We have to take more than 4 hours to get there.
We visit Mas TitO grandfather, at Lik Harto-Mbak Juni house at Jaten, after more than 30 minutes lost in the way to get there, we finally able to get to his house just at the time when Adzan Maghrib. at about 20:00 we took leave to go to Bulik Tarti house, unfortunately we can not meet her cause she had to go to Jakarta just 30 minutes ago, dear oh dear....if we can manage to go there earlier, we might have catch her before she leave to jakarta. what a great time to see ratna's daughter, so cute and fat ! i wonder if i have one of those little baby girl without pregnancy ! So wonderful.

At 21.25 we check in to the hotel, it's kinda expensive ones cause we have to pay Rp. 350 thousand / night. we booked for 2 days. Then it was the time to get rest. What a wonderful night, we were enjoying our honeymoon ! that was after those both 2 boys get a sleep ! In the morning we realize that Teti shoes has gone ! and Marhaen 1 piece of his shoe also gone ! what a lost ! TitO get very angry with that . We hope that we can be more carefully with our goods . Teti is not the first time loosing her good, couple weeks ago she just lost her purse !
1 whole day we went to Uwak Enggun ( Gunadi ) Bude Yati, what a pity the whole family just had a very bad influenza. Sure there will be a bad effect for us soon. These 2 boys were very fragille, they can easily get a cough and influenza, so the visit to Uwak Enggun house will have an effect soon here. They ask us to stay and spend the night there, but after all we have already booked a hotel, meanwhile i just trying to skip away from the damage of influenza and cough which is possible to come to the children. in the other hand we also can have out time flexible if we have to stay there, we havent visit Dewi and Hendro house yet, we also have a plan to watch the movie at the theatre. At arround 1500 we went to SGM, solo grand mall, after a long way of lost we finally can find a place to park and go to the cinema, it was a huge Mall, not as big as Java Mall or Citraland here at semarang , but the interior design had a better manage. Those whole stores and counters seemed to be much reflecting the possibility of people to have their own mini-store there, not as much as semarang which only prepare for people who had alot of money , over there we can get understand why solo is developing more better than semarang. it can be understand how can solo is much beautiful than semarang, cause solo had their own well manage than semarang.
At arround 15.35 we arrived at the cinema, unfortunately we only have a movie at 16.35, we choose to watch Harry Potter. That was because my son Marhaen is keen on the train on each Harry Potter movie, while waiting for the movie we walk arround the mall, it is true that it was quite big ! Huge ! Thankfully Zidane finally get asleep, so that we are not too busy with him. We watch the movie so seriously, until Marhaen felt so boring and what he can do was just walk up and down on the stairs inside the cinema. He was not seriously watch the movie i believe. just about 30 minute before the film finish, Zidane woke up. Zidane watch the film better, but we sure it was because he just woke up from the sleep. if Zidane already had his own power, we sure believe he can be more wild than his older brother Marhaen ! Dewi called on the phone, wait for us . We then rushly go to mojosongo to meet Dewi, thankfully those new-year's eve was rain, so that not so much people arround the street, we can just arrived at Mojosongo at arround 20:15, TitO was still angry of Marhaen shoes ! How can it just 1 piece missing ?! So weird ! After had our dinner, we went to Dewi house, waiting for Hendro until 22:35 - 23:30 , he was still not arround, so we decided to went back to the hotel, refusing to stay there for a night. On the way home to the hotel, we met some people get drunk drive their motobike just being a crazy driver own the road as if he is a kind of the world, thankfully there is no accident. We can watch the fire-works along the way.... New Year's eve just as usual, people get happy, spend the night - cheers up blowing the horn, without realize that alot of problem will have to face in the future.
New Year of 2006 , it will be more commitment. in front of us there will be a problems, this year we will have to stop the rent of the house in Sri Rejeki, we have to move into our small house in SendangMulyo. so for the next few month we have to prepare a share house with Yoyo' - Desi and Vio , at the house. The house will be smaller than what we have right now, there is only 2 small rooms 1 family room and small kitchen, with only 1 bath-room. behind the house there is still arround 5 metres square empty area, which need arround 10 millions to build a new rooms. i have no money at all. Since our debt is still arround 36 millions at the bank, and we have to pay the car bill , it is means that the next year we will have to spend alot and alot of money.
Back to the new year's eve. it was a new day on 1st of january.
New Year of 2006 , it will be more commitment. in front of us there will be a problems, this year we will have to stop the rent of the house in Sri Rejeki, we have to move into our small house in SendangMulyo. so for the next few month we have to prepare a share house with Yoyo' - Desi and Vio , at the house. The house will be smaller than what we have right now, there is only 2 small rooms 1 family room and small kitchen, with only 1 bath-room. behind the house there is still arround 5 metres square empty area, which need arround 10 millions to build a new rooms. i have no money at all. Since our debt is still arround 36 millions at the bank, and we have to pay the car bill , it is means that the next year we will have to spend alot and alot of money.
Back to the new year's eve. it was a new day on 1st of january.
2006, we woke up earlier because we promise to welcoming Dewi -and- Rashid to get a swim together. In the breakfast room we met Adhi Nugroho's family ( TitO high school friend ) , what a coincidence. So funny to meet a friend there, unfortunately they will have their own plan to enjoy the new year vacation. We also have our own plan to finish those days. so then we seperate there, we enjoy to swim together, specially Marhaen. He enjoyed swimming so much. together with Rashid and Zidane. We bravely kept Zidane and Marhaen sink inside 110 meters deep. Well done, they just get a cough and enjoy the swim again. what we just afraid is that they will get an influenza ....?! Well we just having fun until 10;35 , after 30 minutes rest at the room, we went to the recepcionist to check-out, what a pity a huge hotel and expensive like that dont has a proper system. what we are angry is that no one give a hand to wash our car ! sily hotel ! i must not stay at those hotel again next time ! We check out at 11.30 and then we went to Uwak Enggun house again to say good bye. at arround 13.30 we just "berpamitan" - take leave.... and drop by Dewi and Rashid at home, before that we still have a bout 30 minute to go to special Bakso at Pasar Legi, we are not afraid with "formalin" and "broklak" issue from any news , we just suspicious that the issue was spread among the nation by any major franchise restaurant. is there any body know how was the danger of having Mc.D - Kfc -....and any other junk food ? Do the people realize that goverment have no idea how can we escape from the difficulties of life ? what did people know about the danger of having junk food ? is there any relevant ideas of the bad mark on bakso - tahu with formalin compare with any junk food, if we can not eat bakso/meat-ball - tofu/tahu - mie/noddle - what can we eat then ? Junk food ?
We finally went back home at arround 16.00, taking a small alternative road at colomadu - adisumarmo, we then arrived at Banaran coffe plantation at arround 17.35 , we had a call from semarang that bawono had an excident. he hit a police car at demak while coming from pati . what a bad news then ! TitO can not be seriously drive the car, thank God there is no problem at all on the way home. We finally arrive back to semarang at arround 19.30 , felt so dizzy and not in a good health. We cancelled the plan to visit bawono at papa house. And end the day with sleeping !
The day after tomorrow,
Marhaen got his cough, his fever get high and he barely sleep at night, so lucky he can drink the medicine good. What a pity Zidane had his own fever the next day after tomorrow, the same as he is, Teti had influenza too. Me myself just had the influenza today. What a great oleh oleh dari New Year's eve 2006 di Solo !
We finally went back home at arround 16.00, taking a small alternative road at colomadu - adisumarmo, we then arrived at Banaran coffe plantation at arround 17.35 , we had a call from semarang that bawono had an excident. he hit a police car at demak while coming from pati . what a bad news then ! TitO can not be seriously drive the car, thank God there is no problem at all on the way home. We finally arrive back to semarang at arround 19.30 , felt so dizzy and not in a good health. We cancelled the plan to visit bawono at papa house. And end the day with sleeping !
The day after tomorrow,
Marhaen got his cough, his fever get high and he barely sleep at night, so lucky he can drink the medicine good. What a pity Zidane had his own fever the next day after tomorrow, the same as he is, Teti had influenza too. Me myself just had the influenza today. What a great oleh oleh dari New Year's eve 2006 di Solo !