10 January 2006
Iedul "Adha - Lebaran haji semarang.
i woke up earlier, at arround 04:30am, unfortunately our rushly preparation for Jakarta travelling was waste of our time. i took marhaen and zidane to have a small shower meanwhile teti just pack up few things shouldnt be left behind. we will start this day with up and down activity which left up in serious several fighting and quarrel . forgetful person, absent-minded. that is what we are ! although we have prepare it quietly and write it down on a small piece of papers / notes. we always have some few
things forget / left behind. at about 06:10 we arrived at simpang lima for sholat ied, teti was begun gettin' sick of how tito drove the car in a hurry. it's not a good sign ! all of those ritual sholat ied become a real misery for teti for not goin to throw-up there in the middle of the field. at about 06:30 the sholat began. i can see marhaen and zidane figthing for the sun glasses ! i was so sure it'll broken after that. the sholat ied end - our sons were still kept quiet and struggling-snatch away by force on something, but we are proud of them because they dont cry and make alot of noises ! i took some pictures and teti was still in misery with butterfly in her stomach. 
at arround 7am all the sholat and sermon from the 'ulama' finished, we rushly back to the parking log , while teti was still walking with her misery ! we then set up to stop by at Papah Noer Prajogo . until 30 minutes have no clue of Papah coming, we decided to directly to go Mamah Sri Wahaeni - grave yard, at Bergota. she was died caused by traffic accident in 1997. we stayed there
at about 30 minutes, then we went back to papa-bu haji house. tito went back to our house with marhaen just to pick up a little things left behind
- tito bought a small toys and some softdrink, at about 11 we arrived at Tawang train station, that was a start of a small quarel. tito's shoes was missing ! we cant find it anywhere ! what so funny moment then. we ask bawono to check again at the car we park at tito's office. again we have to feel sorry can not find it.
Semarang - jakarta journey by train ( departed at arround 12.35 - ) , iqbal marhaen was so excited as he is a train maniac, he never stop to feel the excitement of taking the train for a ride , it must be a real experience hope that he never ever forget. he never stop to walk from one side to another. until arround 15.35 he was feel so sleepy and take a little nap. it was the time when zidane also get a nap too, teti who was at the first time not feeling so good , also take her nap. i just find his way to kill the time by smooking, finally i also felt so tired and took one seat just few seat behind our seat. that was the time i met a train technician named : Suminto , he is from lamongan east java . he start his journey of life by enjoy the school not so seriously, he prefered to dream to be a successful man someday and soon, but he never take any action to do it by studying well in his school day. finally he graduated from mechanical high school ( sekolah tehnik menengah / stm ) and tried to get a job a paper boy. one of his clients was a person how had a good position in goverment train company (pjka), he never stop to try applying to be one of train company employee, several times he tried he always failed ! until the day comin' , when he had a dream of successfully chasing a run away train, kertajaya, one of luxurious train . day after that he joined a test and finally the result was he passed the exam ! what a try . he is still believe that his dream come true, so someone must have a dream and trying so hard to achieve it. now he had 2 sons and he is happy to be a father, although he admitted that he is not a clever man, he wondering to have his 2 sons much and much more better ! he proud of his 2 sons, the elder one is good in relegious , the younger ones had a quite over any children at his age intelligent, most of his older brother book can be understand well . he must be a real clever one ! from that point i also shared my old time story life, a real story. being an under estimate person in bali, enjoy the difficulties of life in semarang, drag into miserable life in jakarta, and now back again to semarang with no future in work - job. so real to be true that it was a share of a real time experiences from zero to hero and never be affraid of being a zero again someday, as long as we had spirit and never stop to try so hard to achieve it, we will have almost anything that we wanted too.
We arrived jakarta at about 1800 , first time stress is that how can i lift-up these all bags ? totally we brought 2 bags + 1 big box + several plastic bags , we had much more busy with marhaen and zidane too. then it was coming a potter offering us a help. we had to pay 20thousand for it. it's okay as long as he is really helping us. we took a taxi to the hotel. what a stupid , we had not been booked ! so we had to pay for 800thousand rupiah for a guarantee. it's okay we had not supposed to buy anything yet ! 1 thing to do after getting a room, we had to unload some of the stuff, then i took an "ojek" to kelapa gading to buy a pair of shoes + soap etc. tito must paid for 316thousand for all of those stuff. we had a nice relax and enjoy sleep then.
11Jan2006 wednesday - morning, without taking a breakfast, i rushly went downto the restaurant to meet his colleague - friends. i had to attend an annual managerial meeting. what a crazy whole meeting i can say . it's about the company who will get a collaps cause of goverment regulation. so strange to me as an employee, why did the company never spread a real a good return of salary increase + special bonus when we had a real excellent years before. whenever the problem come, the employee must face it real bad and had to be the first target to sacrifice their position and life !? so they had to cover up all the consequences ?! it's so ridiculous ! we are sure it is nothing more but a real jokes. just forget about the meeting, cause we are trying to enjoy the travelling now. in the evening we had a meeting with othonk , i offered us to stay at his house while we were there. okay it's deal ! he will pick us up on thursday evening, on january 12th, 2006. then we are not going anywhere those evening, i found out that iqbal marhaen and zidane kusumo had a new hair style. they are closely like brad pitt on his mr.&mrs smith . what a macho boys ! marhaen is more like a chinese young boy ! we had a real nice evening. we are making love in a real hot night through the morning. it must be a real honeymoon. in spite of those times of quarelling and fighting of something we had forget to bring and do, it can be a revenge !
jan 12th 2006, thursday - we woke up late. we took a breakfast. late. marhaen enjoy the meal but not so much, zidane just have his meals from behind. not so good meal though, but it can be good cause we are gathering together in a dinning room. after just return back to the room to had bath and back sleeping again, those 2 boys troublesome and asking to go out, we took a taxi to go to artha gading permai.
it is not as crowded as kelapagading as well. that was so we can enjoy together walk along the mall. we were manage to watch kocok - kocok 'sctv' programme on tape. meanwhile tito busy trying to get a hand phone vocer reseller. teti was enjoying to watch 'kocok-kocok'
he though who know he caught on camera ! what a dream ?! we had to continue walked arround the mall again. until 3pm when teti felt so tired and want to get back to the hotel, although tito had already found a baby carriage to bring zidane & iqbal all together. what so ever our journey become so much easier. tito continually called wiji to had come together to watch tia show on friday. meanwhile tito also waiting for riesma-tianist to had a tecket confirmation, although it's a free ticket we had to confirmed it first cause it's not so funny if we come to the studio and had no ticket at all. then back to the hotel at about 1625 take a bath and get a rest, we were waiting for othonk to come, unfortunately he had just sent an sms confirming that he will come to the hotel at arround 9pm. Yet it is, at about 2135 othonk come to the hotel and we had to check out from there, tito get surprised with hotel bill which almost reach 3,5 millions. what a stupid bill, it can be a problems to the office maybe. well we just dont care as long as we were enjoy about it very good.
12/01/2006 - 2210 we departed from sunter lake hotel without paying any damned money, just signed it out and let the office to pay all the bill. othonk brough honda - jazz , iqbal marhaen was so excited after all he just watch the car on the street now he can ride on it. on the way to bogor , othonk decided to stop by at tri'kupo'ananto boarding house.
we arrived there at about 2315 so funny to watch him alone there in a small boarding house. at his place i can enjoy the cold rainy breeze which able to make us getting a cold easily. we are happy at least we can achieve to meet tri'kupo'ananto.
the day after tomorrow we will have a plan to meet wiji ! at about 24pm we arrived at othonk house and finally get a rest . umi was in the middle of waiting for their second child. panji is the first one, it might be the next few days she will gave birth a new baby-born.
13/01/2006 friday. othonk went to the office, meanwhile we are staying at his house. tito went to the mosque to had a friday noon pray . he took an 'ojek' to go there. what a funny that tito had to go angry cause he can not take marhaen and bring something with him. tito arrived at bogor mosque close to bus terminal , a quite small mosque but so crowded ones. it will be build into a huge mosque after getting a fund in more than 12 billons ! so great we had no women arround, cause jum'atan is not for women. after jum'atan there were some girls - women come by to had a lohor pray. it's quite good cause the mosque it seemed will be full. tito did not listen the khotbah well cause tito had just felt asleep. so great to had a pray over there. after that he just decided to go home on foot ! it was almost 20kms from the terminal to othonk house villa bogor indah. how come he took on foot. teti kept worried about it because she seemed like did not like of what he did. othonk come home at about 18pm, we then went away to daan mogot to watch TiaAfi in concert, othonk was just take us there, he did not want to enjoy the show. he afraid that his wife will get birth soon. he drop us at citraland mall at grogol, thanks to othonk, we then met wiji's family at mc.d - citraland grogol, tito ask for a coffee cause he was felt asleep. the coffee was just split it up on the desk before we drunk it. tito get his hand with coffee. the smell of coffee was quite really strong ! in order to pay the excident tito went to starbucks he had 2 cups of coffee, he had to pay more than 50thousand ! what a real coffee. we taste it a real good ! we wondering it's really expensive cause it was equal with the taste !

Tia Afi show is so wonderful. she was so powerful in the stage. we are really agree with that ! so surprised that her family life in mojosongo solo, we hope that one day we can meet them there ! we believe she
will be a real star soon ! big star ! 
Tia Afi show was one of the greatest moment we are planning so hard to achieve from semarang.
Iedul "Adha - Lebaran haji semarang.
i woke up earlier, at arround 04:30am, unfortunately our rushly preparation for Jakarta travelling was waste of our time. i took marhaen and zidane to have a small shower meanwhile teti just pack up few things shouldnt be left behind. we will start this day with up and down activity which left up in serious several fighting and quarrel . forgetful person, absent-minded. that is what we are ! although we have prepare it quietly and write it down on a small piece of papers / notes. we always have some few

at arround 7am all the sholat and sermon from the 'ulama' finished, we rushly back to the parking log , while teti was still walking with her misery ! we then set up to stop by at Papah Noer Prajogo . until 30 minutes have no clue of Papah coming, we decided to directly to go Mamah Sri Wahaeni - grave yard, at Bergota. she was died caused by traffic accident in 1997. we stayed there

Semarang - jakarta journey by train ( departed at arround 12.35 - ) , iqbal marhaen was so excited as he is a train maniac, he never stop to feel the excitement of taking the train for a ride , it must be a real experience hope that he never ever forget. he never stop to walk from one side to another. until arround 15.35 he was feel so sleepy and take a little nap. it was the time when zidane also get a nap too, teti who was at the first time not feeling so good , also take her nap. i just find his way to kill the time by smooking, finally i also felt so tired and took one seat just few seat behind our seat. that was the time i met a train technician named : Suminto , he is from lamongan east java . he start his journey of life by enjoy the school not so seriously, he prefered to dream to be a successful man someday and soon, but he never take any action to do it by studying well in his school day. finally he graduated from mechanical high school ( sekolah tehnik menengah / stm ) and tried to get a job a paper boy. one of his clients was a person how had a good position in goverment train company (pjka), he never stop to try applying to be one of train company employee, several times he tried he always failed ! until the day comin' , when he had a dream of successfully chasing a run away train, kertajaya, one of luxurious train . day after that he joined a test and finally the result was he passed the exam ! what a try . he is still believe that his dream come true, so someone must have a dream and trying so hard to achieve it. now he had 2 sons and he is happy to be a father, although he admitted that he is not a clever man, he wondering to have his 2 sons much and much more better ! he proud of his 2 sons, the elder one is good in relegious , the younger ones had a quite over any children at his age intelligent, most of his older brother book can be understand well . he must be a real clever one ! from that point i also shared my old time story life, a real story. being an under estimate person in bali, enjoy the difficulties of life in semarang, drag into miserable life in jakarta, and now back again to semarang with no future in work - job. so real to be true that it was a share of a real time experiences from zero to hero and never be affraid of being a zero again someday, as long as we had spirit and never stop to try so hard to achieve it, we will have almost anything that we wanted too.
We arrived jakarta at about 1800 , first time stress is that how can i lift-up these all bags ? totally we brought 2 bags + 1 big box + several plastic bags , we had much more busy with marhaen and zidane too. then it was coming a potter offering us a help. we had to pay 20thousand for it. it's okay as long as he is really helping us. we took a taxi to the hotel. what a stupid , we had not been booked ! so we had to pay for 800thousand rupiah for a guarantee. it's okay we had not supposed to buy anything yet ! 1 thing to do after getting a room, we had to unload some of the stuff, then i took an "ojek" to kelapa gading to buy a pair of shoes + soap etc. tito must paid for 316thousand for all of those stuff. we had a nice relax and enjoy sleep then.
11Jan2006 wednesday - morning, without taking a breakfast, i rushly went downto the restaurant to meet his colleague - friends. i had to attend an annual managerial meeting. what a crazy whole meeting i can say . it's about the company who will get a collaps cause of goverment regulation. so strange to me as an employee, why did the company never spread a real a good return of salary increase + special bonus when we had a real excellent years before. whenever the problem come, the employee must face it real bad and had to be the first target to sacrifice their position and life !? so they had to cover up all the consequences ?! it's so ridiculous ! we are sure it is nothing more but a real jokes. just forget about the meeting, cause we are trying to enjoy the travelling now. in the evening we had a meeting with othonk , i offered us to stay at his house while we were there. okay it's deal ! he will pick us up on thursday evening, on january 12th, 2006. then we are not going anywhere those evening, i found out that iqbal marhaen and zidane kusumo had a new hair style. they are closely like brad pitt on his mr.&mrs smith . what a macho boys ! marhaen is more like a chinese young boy ! we had a real nice evening. we are making love in a real hot night through the morning. it must be a real honeymoon. in spite of those times of quarelling and fighting of something we had forget to bring and do, it can be a revenge !
jan 12th 2006, thursday - we woke up late. we took a breakfast. late. marhaen enjoy the meal but not so much, zidane just have his meals from behind. not so good meal though, but it can be good cause we are gathering together in a dinning room. after just return back to the room to had bath and back sleeping again, those 2 boys troublesome and asking to go out, we took a taxi to go to artha gading permai.

12/01/2006 - 2210 we departed from sunter lake hotel without paying any damned money, just signed it out and let the office to pay all the bill. othonk brough honda - jazz , iqbal marhaen was so excited after all he just watch the car on the street now he can ride on it. on the way to bogor , othonk decided to stop by at tri'kupo'ananto boarding house.

13/01/2006 friday. othonk went to the office, meanwhile we are staying at his house. tito went to the mosque to had a friday noon pray . he took an 'ojek' to go there. what a funny that tito had to go angry cause he can not take marhaen and bring something with him. tito arrived at bogor mosque close to bus terminal , a quite small mosque but so crowded ones. it will be build into a huge mosque after getting a fund in more than 12 billons ! so great we had no women arround, cause jum'atan is not for women. after jum'atan there were some girls - women come by to had a lohor pray. it's quite good cause the mosque it seemed will be full. tito did not listen the khotbah well cause tito had just felt asleep. so great to had a pray over there. after that he just decided to go home on foot ! it was almost 20kms from the terminal to othonk house villa bogor indah. how come he took on foot. teti kept worried about it because she seemed like did not like of what he did. othonk come home at about 18pm, we then went away to daan mogot to watch TiaAfi in concert, othonk was just take us there, he did not want to enjoy the show. he afraid that his wife will get birth soon. he drop us at citraland mall at grogol, thanks to othonk, we then met wiji's family at mc.d - citraland grogol, tito ask for a coffee cause he was felt asleep. the coffee was just split it up on the desk before we drunk it. tito get his hand with coffee. the smell of coffee was quite really strong ! in order to pay the excident tito went to starbucks he had 2 cups of coffee, he had to pay more than 50thousand ! what a real coffee. we taste it a real good ! we wondering it's really expensive cause it was equal with the taste !

Tia Afi show is so wonderful. she was so powerful in the stage. we are really agree with that ! so surprised that her family life in mojosongo solo, we hope that one day we can meet them there ! we believe she

Tia Afi show was one of the greatest moment we are planning so hard to achieve from semarang.
( will be continued on part 2 )........