February Monday06/2006 15:54
4 days ago i took my son Ziz, to the doctor just wanna get a conclusion on how's his condition on late speaking ability. so surprise to know when the dr. Ismeth Yusuf said that he had an indication of Autism Desease !!! so shock that i can not believe what has happened, it must be the answer of all my questions ... , i am questioning the condition of life , difficulty of my daily situation which seemed to be much better day by day, after all what am i doing is just questioning and complaining. so it is time for me to get an aswer. Allah Swt had shown me that i must have been forget about alot of things that Allah Swt gave me. So much that i got, so beautiful that i had already achieved still i am not so sure what i had till now. Here i am finally got a clue that patient and love should be more expressed and shown until we again had to make something is better than before.