it was on 2nd August 1993 when i accepted as an apprentice of a local shipping company at Semarang.And again it was confirmed on the 1st of July 1994 .when i remember the hardwork of what i was doing at that time i should had been expressing my best gratitude to Allah Swt, thank God - Alhamdullillah finally right now i had achieved something that i believed better than what i had before. You may imagine , i can only get Rp. 125.000,- / month + Rp. 2.250,- meal allowance ! Next time i had Rp. 285.000,- per month salary plus Rp. 2.250,- meal allowance ! it was the time when i had worked from 8 am till midnite sometime i had to stay at work for the whole day. just to had additional of maximally Rp. 3.000,- / night extra money !
so funny then i decided to quite for the whole stupid moment after the company had an inside cancer caused by their own mistakes. i dont want to discribe all of those situation cause it can be a slander ! but in reallity the had produced alot of people who had excellent capability in shipping and forwarding agency. something which is always been done by any

Unfortunately most of people does not learn and study well from their past experiences. Nevertheless they are mosly felt the difficulty of having those such moment , they seemed like had the same desease to act more and more crude - nasty - brutal to any body else.. funny ! you dont want to get those brutality behavior but you do it to any body else as your superior behavior to your employee ?! So why dont we just forget those all bad experiences and never do it to any body else...... just my wish !
Few days ago my Director said infront of the staff. "Guys... please go ahead find another company who can pay you better ! So, we can just said to you all that we never be able to pay you more ! "..... what a kind of jerk ! So be it !