- Last week was desaster
my boy zidane
had a stomach desease
he had diarhea.
we brought him to hospital
doctor said to have this kid stay for few days
so terrible week then - i must stay those craziest 4 night in hospital
- cause he is still 3 years old
- still can not stop the diarhea
- just crying all the times
- dont want to take any food
- mostly just sleep
We are so hopeless at that time
he's really strong
at the 3rd day his throw-up just stop
he had just stop defecate
then he able to take food.
at the forth day we can go home from the hospital
back home ,
marhaen had the same desease
we brought him to the same doctor
luckly we were not supposed to stay at the hospital
i had almost get the same desease too
what a week of desaster.