It's must be a real difficult tough weeks 4 all of us.
Zidane - Marhaen - Ayah had sick ! they got a very terrible flu and cough disease for almost 2 weeks. After going back from our vacation in Cirebon - Purwakarta - Bogor - Jakarta starting 26 of january 2008 until 02nd of February 2008 , those three boys got to stay in bad for the whole days ! Yaik.... ! You might imagine what happened 4 the whole weeks, they had just sleep and eat at the same bed !Thank God Alhamdullillah., it's over now.
We were quite stressed to watch the kids condition.
Their fever was always high.
Just few hours drop after getting a medicine,
then it'll raise again higher and higher,
How hard it is.
We are just hopeless and can't do anything about it.
We just imagine as if we are still under health insurance coverage,
so that we can go to the hospital for free,
but right now
We have no medical insurance.
So, we can just let the kids suffering for their cough and fever...
Teti just cry on her pray.
TitO just feel miserable that having no Job is so quite disaster !
But then, the storm just blown away.
And the sky looks so bright !
The kids get well
TitO also back to normal,
Suddently the order is raised rapidly
There are 160kg order from Pak Heri
25 packs from Pak Imansyah
60 packs from Pak Indra – Bali
100 packs from Pak Pur – Ngawi
2 pack sample from Pak Rahmad – Solo
5 pack sample from Mas Adi
2 pack of soy bean coffee from Nugi
proforma order of 60 boxes from Toni – Karanganyar
and more...
It can be a blessing in disguise.
We just read Pak Fauzi Rahmanto wrote on WK magazine.... Keep Your HAND always UP, please !
So We hope that all of these above problem never bring us back as the down side hand !
We still have a real hope.
“Mah., kalau ordernya seperti ini terus, rasa-rasanya
Ayah engga perlu ngelamar kerja lho Mah. Biar jadi pengangguran saja kerja dirumah, deket sepanjang hari, sama anak anak.!”
Alhamdullillah ., Amien.
TitO and Teti Family
Juragan Wedang SARI KEDELAI Bubuk Instant Powder
024- 70262521 / 0811 275 270
email : titoksemarang@gmail.com / bel_airsrg@yahoo.com