Milad 2 - TDA 2008.
Since my joining in 2006, it’s been my first time ! Enjoy 1 day full Jakarta activity on formal TDA program. Not only it’s must a real interested experience but also a such wonderful moment in the beginning of 2008. Since arriving at Bogor. Villa Bogor Indah at Othonk house, one of the goal of my coming in jakarta is attending the 2nd MILAD of TANGAN DI ATAS Comunnity . I have been here since Saturday , 26th of January 2008. On Saturday , we were not just stay at home. We went to Mekarsari Fruit Garden at Cileungsi, and visit Mas Budi Mulyanto house, there we met Kas , mr.Rd.Pro A – one of our friend in Academy. Sorry to say ya mas , I have lost your respect, if you are not my friend , I will “……….” You, then we can’t be friend anymore. Let me tell this story later. I don’t want to spoil up my MILAD 2 with this.
Well , Sunday the 27th of January 2008 the 2nd MILAD of TDA Community.
We departed late from Bogor, then…. We arrived late at Jakarta, without our notice there a program of no vehicle day that day, so that I must be stuck into a very damn macet total around Benhill . Again I must be stuck around Monas, turn around at Kebon Sirih,finally arrived at MILAD around 10.00 am . I must be 1 hour late ! So then I don’t have a chance to socialized with TDA friends that fulfill the room , it can be around 300 people ?! Wowowo WOW ! Do you imagine on the 2nd MILAD, total people had been increased so rapidly ? Maybe next year, the Member of the Community who can be able to attend the 3rd MILAD can be reach until 1000 ! What a fuuuuntastic market !
TDA fragment was killing the room with laughing. I must say that Ibu A -Ning is a real STAR ! she can be able to own the stage ! Not many people can be able to do that, once again the experience is everything.
Then I wasn’t enjoy the talk show seriously , cause I am too busy with socialized ,tea and coffee ,and smoking ! until then , another talkshow . There were Pak Nano , Pak Pri , etc talk show and the show was ended with a style ! TDA style ! I Like it ! What can I complain as I had much till now, let us imagine if we are just a cripple . This is not my point to say that any disability people is unlucky one but, what a WONDERFUL , UNDEFEATED , STRUGGLING people they are in stead of just complain with their condition they can just FIGHT and FIGHT and FIGHT to keep ALIVE !
Do I a normal man ? why should I must have a cripple mind of idea and spirit ?
The 2nd MILAD was a real awesome. I have met Pak Haji, one of the mentor of TDA. So nice to get in touch with him. I met Pak Yoga, a real wonderful people who has disability but still have a very strong spirit to be a real TDA ! wuiiis buanyak lah, ndak selesai selesai nanti ngetiknya.
I am satisfied ! 100% guarantee !
So sorry I don’t bring my name card so I can not have a real promotion.
I do not bring so many packages of Wedang BUBUK – SARI Kedelai , so that I can not promote much.
I can not socialized with so many people as I can.
But, I have the bravery to move forward to get my pin ! I still wear it now while typing this out at O – house “ WISUDAWAN “ TDA MILAD 2 2008 – http://www.tdajoglo.com/ . yes I am I have quit from my jail as an employee so that I am a real FREE man now free from any company who yells at me to do this that and those….
Do I have to move back my step once again to be come a new company who order me to do this that and those without paying me much ? finally they can be able to fire me whenever they wanted to ? forget it LAH.
Teti bring the kids to Mangga DoeA ! she went there by busway one of excellent mass transportation in jakarta… ( here we are Teti Story ) ONBUSAWAY Iqbal and Zidane are very happy in the middle of the trip they are so excited, iqbal stand behind a driver, his hand hold the tiang and zidane always in my attention I always hold his hand sometime zidane jump and laughter, tapi ternyata unluckily we took wrong journey so we have to stop at unexpected busway station , I’m so confuse I look a round wow is not place that what I mean he….he….. so we decided to stop a taxi and you know when we are on the taxi, I was looking over the fare-meter is not expensive he…he…because I brought money not to much he..he… so I talk to the driver like a know the way to mangga dua ha…ha….. and after that iqbal say” mama I’m very hungry and I want ice cream please,” so we are lunch in A & W, we served chicken,rice, soup corn , and ice cream we sit close the window and I can see view out of the way, and for my lunch I spend my money about 33.000 rp and after lunch we went by foot around WTC mangga dua and then we went to Mangga dua Square, we took a train-bus, you know is free , in Mangga dua Square I looks something beautiful that I want buy I don’t have a lot money he,,he.. so I just look and watching, you know what I want to buy of course ……its……A Cloth………shoes …………..bag……….I like it very much……much…………….much………………so dripped I very dizzy thinking of the dress etc ,we go to careful and what I surprise …. (Teti stop typing)
We finished the MILAD 2 - TDA at around 6.30 pm
We step into Om Yayat house at Jl.Hajiten
We slept at their house
What a day !
Since my joining in 2006, it’s been my first time ! Enjoy 1 day full Jakarta activity on formal TDA program. Not only it’s must a real interested experience but also a such wonderful moment in the beginning of 2008. Since arriving at Bogor. Villa Bogor Indah at Othonk house, one of the goal of my coming in jakarta is attending the 2nd MILAD of TANGAN DI ATAS Comunnity . I have been here since Saturday , 26th of January 2008. On Saturday , we were not just stay at home. We went to Mekarsari Fruit Garden at Cileungsi, and visit Mas Budi Mulyanto house, there we met Kas , mr.Rd.Pro A – one of our friend in Academy. Sorry to say ya mas , I have lost your respect, if you are not my friend , I will “……….” You, then we can’t be friend anymore. Let me tell this story later. I don’t want to spoil up my MILAD 2 with this.
Well , Sunday the 27th of January 2008 the 2nd MILAD of TDA Community.
We departed late from Bogor, then…. We arrived late at Jakarta, without our notice there a program of no vehicle day that day, so that I must be stuck into a very damn macet total around Benhill . Again I must be stuck around Monas, turn around at Kebon Sirih,finally arrived at MILAD around 10.00 am . I must be 1 hour late ! So then I don’t have a chance to socialized with TDA friends that fulfill the room , it can be around 300 people ?! Wowowo WOW ! Do you imagine on the 2nd MILAD, total people had been increased so rapidly ? Maybe next year, the Member of the Community who can be able to attend the 3rd MILAD can be reach until 1000 ! What a fuuuuntastic market !
TDA fragment was killing the room with laughing. I must say that Ibu A -Ning is a real STAR ! she can be able to own the stage ! Not many people can be able to do that, once again the experience is everything.
Then I wasn’t enjoy the talk show seriously , cause I am too busy with socialized ,tea and coffee ,and smoking ! until then , another talkshow . There were Pak Nano , Pak Pri , etc talk show and the show was ended with a style ! TDA style ! I Like it ! What can I complain as I had much till now, let us imagine if we are just a cripple . This is not my point to say that any disability people is unlucky one but, what a WONDERFUL , UNDEFEATED , STRUGGLING people they are in stead of just complain with their condition they can just FIGHT and FIGHT and FIGHT to keep ALIVE !
Do I a normal man ? why should I must have a cripple mind of idea and spirit ?
The 2nd MILAD was a real awesome. I have met Pak Haji, one of the mentor of TDA. So nice to get in touch with him. I met Pak Yoga, a real wonderful people who has disability but still have a very strong spirit to be a real TDA ! wuiiis buanyak lah, ndak selesai selesai nanti ngetiknya.
I am satisfied ! 100% guarantee !
So sorry I don’t bring my name card so I can not have a real promotion.
I do not bring so many packages of Wedang BUBUK – SARI Kedelai , so that I can not promote much.
I can not socialized with so many people as I can.
But, I have the bravery to move forward to get my pin ! I still wear it now while typing this out at O – house “ WISUDAWAN “ TDA MILAD 2 2008 – http://www.tdajoglo.com/ . yes I am I have quit from my jail as an employee so that I am a real FREE man now free from any company who yells at me to do this that and those….
Do I have to move back my step once again to be come a new company who order me to do this that and those without paying me much ? finally they can be able to fire me whenever they wanted to ? forget it LAH.
Teti bring the kids to Mangga DoeA ! she went there by busway one of excellent mass transportation in jakarta… ( here we are Teti Story ) ONBUSAWAY Iqbal and Zidane are very happy in the middle of the trip they are so excited, iqbal stand behind a driver, his hand hold the tiang and zidane always in my attention I always hold his hand sometime zidane jump and laughter, tapi ternyata unluckily we took wrong journey so we have to stop at unexpected busway station , I’m so confuse I look a round wow is not place that what I mean he….he….. so we decided to stop a taxi and you know when we are on the taxi, I was looking over the fare-meter is not expensive he…he…because I brought money not to much he..he… so I talk to the driver like a know the way to mangga dua ha…ha….. and after that iqbal say” mama I’m very hungry and I want ice cream please,” so we are lunch in A & W, we served chicken,rice, soup corn , and ice cream we sit close the window and I can see view out of the way, and for my lunch I spend my money about 33.000 rp and after lunch we went by foot around WTC mangga dua and then we went to Mangga dua Square, we took a train-bus, you know is free , in Mangga dua Square I looks something beautiful that I want buy I don’t have a lot money he,,he.. so I just look and watching, you know what I want to buy of course ……its……A Cloth………shoes …………..bag……….I like it very much……much…………….much………………so dripped I very dizzy thinking of the dress etc ,we go to careful and what I surprise …. (Teti stop typing)
We finished the MILAD 2 - TDA at around 6.30 pm
We step into Om Yayat house at Jl.Hajiten
We slept at their house
What a day !