Happy Monday

Nonton HAPPY MONDAY......

do u know happy monday ? it's a programme of movie theatre here to decrease almost 1/2 of the price for a ticket on monday. we are decided to have the happy monday last week. I think it is a very common here in Java.
at about 5 am in the morning we have already busy with the kids, after a long fighting with the kids to wake them up, finally we can dress them and departed from the house at about 6.10 am. first we go Marhaen new school. it is a good school physically. better building and curriculum than before. after left Marhaen at the school, TitO and Zidane went to tito office. at about 9.30 we picked Marhaen and drop me - with the kids to Papah's house at ibu Haji. Tito went to the office again to finish his work, while Zidane and I are going home. Where's Marhaen ? he decided to stay at Papah's house until 12 and TitO' will picked him up.
Marhaen bug him out all the day in the office, until the office hours end-up at 5.30pm..... we decided to watch the movie to enjoy Happy Monday.
Zidane and me arrived at Mc.D earlier, we picked Mc.D as it is the easiest place to meet in the Mall. then we went together to movie.... what a surprise... it was full house ! So only paid 12and half thousand per ticket become an attractive way to make the movie theatre full house !
We can not get the ticket ! So we decided to buy another film it's an indonesian film "Maaf saya menghamili istri Anda" .... hi hi hi ..... it's a very strange title ! but Marhaen picked it up because he knew Ringo before on Pocong 2 !
It's a comedy film.....
Then it is become a real Happy monday.... I enjoy the film "okay" cause we had 3 seat for 4 people.... we got a second raw in-front of the screen ! you can imagine how close it was !
Marhaen enjoyed the film too.... because he laugh so loudly and run away from one side to another......so it was so great !

What a pity titO'. he has to keep Zidane from his wild movement, we dont know ... it seemed like Zidane is not so comfortable at all in the movie, will it be the last time we went to the movie together ? hope not. Zidane was kept crying and yelling.... he was only enjoying walking and move outside... so my dearest TitO had to stay always with him.
Only after 10 minute before the film ended. Zidane can keep silent and sit down together with us.... what a traumatic experience. We finally realize that it is one of his behavior . For ASD children it must be very common. So we have to learn it very well.

We went home together by motorbike. these 2 kids are sleeping along from the movie theatre to the home. it's a real 30 minute of struggle for TitO' in-front as a driver.... what a very late trip for us. Specially for Marhaen who is not sleeping since 5.30 am !

Thank God we are okay. we were safely arrived home at about 11pm.... Guss ! just take a rest........ for this Happy Monday....

Ada kejadian lucu. sewaktu nunggu film main di bioskop, tiba tiba TitO ingat kok kuncinya ndak ada, lha langsung dia lari dari E-theatre ke parkiran citralandmall.....500 meter kira-kira jaraknya, sudah gitu lari lagi ke Mc.D.... balik lagi ke bioskop.... teteup saja kuncinya ndak ketemu.... lho terus gimana ya kalau hilang.... malem malem dia baru ingat kemungkinan ketinggalan dikantornya... he he he...

have a happy monday then someday....
will you join us someday ?
he he he....

Teti - TitO' Semarang.
July 06, 2007
