I woke up late in the evening , it was still about 1.45 am.
Just take Isha' – enjoy the silent night pray and writing out some note 4 my blog.
Times goes so FUUUUUUUNtastiiiic ! It's has been my 7 months of being fully TDA !
Today i met my friend Mas Buck. He's become one of my mentor.
Who is willing to welcome me almost everyday whenever i waited 4 my son from his kindergarden
Enjoy the warmest money morning tea/coffee talk from him
Have fun with our old HS memory and beautiful bright future life plan to start.
Having our own business !
2day i also met mr. B, he's so sick – getting almost 1 brain surgery every year.
He cant keep remember of what he's just doing/saying . Some kind of short memory lost ?!
I had 2 remind him who am i !
Am i really 1 of his friends left ?
Inna Lillahi wa Inna Illaihi Rojjiun.
He's just a real different gentlemen that I've known 20 years before.
I know everything had changed. But i cant imagine how hard & difficult he's going to be.
I came 2 discuss whether i can assist him 2 promote his ISP company.
Well after all he's just forget.. the thing he'd just said before.
He told me he had cancer in his head !
I give him 2 packs of Wedang SARI BUBUK Kedelai – Instant Powder Mengandung Bee Pollen.
He gave me a chance to use the free Internet access at his office. So, fuuuuuntastic 4 me 2 got 2 hours free Internet access surfing and email2-an....
Money is a real cheap now.
IqbalMarhaen and I just spent more than 300thousand Rupiah..just like that. Well we must pay electricity bill , phone pulse , etc. Well done.
Wedang SARI BUBUK Kedelai – Instant Powder Mengandung Bee Pollen., market share is become higher and higher now, specially from Ag. - Pak Pur – Mas Heri...dll.
Ag just send me SMS and called methat he will need some more additional package to cover up all Jakarta sales market. Then everything become more and more excellent
such as an order from Pak Herman .... wow ! Sample 4 pak Herdy , Pekalongan Branch....
Then i also just sold 30 kgs tawar ,
what a pity Pak Hs. He cant get what he wanted as we are limit in . Another Mr. H called me that he need to prepare negotiation of konsinyasi . Cause he has distribution with more than 4000 – 5000 people !I imagine if the selling almost 13000 aja, each boxes he can collect 1000 aja so every month
13.000.000 ! what a fuuuuuuuntastic income then.
On the street, i saw that people fight everyday to be struggle or die . An old man with wheel compressor machine became a parking officer. A young man who can just smoking as if there's no future for them to grab. Then suddenly they asking me 4 money , it's a parking payment.
I.QMarhaen and I went 2 mandiri – bca and electricity office to pay the monthly bill.
Kedai B. i bought Tongseng Ayam ... aneh tho ? Tongseng kok Ayam. Plus Gado gado .....it's my 5th visit at this small restaurant.
We went back home at 4. then felt a slept until 6 companied by Marhaen and Teti.
Well enjoy your day my friend.
Make your days as beautiful as you wanna be.
Keep your hand always UP !
Pemesanan Dalam Kota :
1. Pemesanan/pembelian dapat dilakukan melalui email, telephone atau datang langsung
2. Pembayaran cash ketika barang diserahkan
3. Jumlah pemesanan minimal 32 kotak
Luar Kota :
1. Pemesanan/pembelian dapat dilakukan melalui email atau telephone
2. Pembayaran transfer bank dimuka sesuai jumlah produk yang dipesan, ditambah biaya pengiriman
3. Jumlah pemesanan minimal 32 kotak
Pengiriman Dalam Kota :
Pengiriman dalam Kota Solo minimal 32 kotak tidak dikenai biaya transport. Pemesanan kurang dari 32 kotak dianggap sebagai pembelian eceran.
Luar Kota :
1. Biaya pengiriman barang ditanggung pihak pemesan
2. Pemesan mengirimkan pada kami bukti transfer bank dan alamat lengkap untuk pengiriman produk.
3. Berdasarkan bukti transfer (setelah uang kami terima), kami akan mengirimkan produk sesuai dengan pesanan.
4. Produk akan kami kemas dengan kardus.
5. Pengiriman menggunakan jasa titipan kilat atau sesuai dengan permintaan pemesan.
6. Tidak sampainya kiriman yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan atau tidak lengkapnya alamat yang diberikan atau kesalahan pihak jasa pengiriman, bukan tanggungjawab kami.