What is BEE POLLEN ?

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Busy Bee by Sandra Leidholdt.

Serbuk sari atau pollen (bahasa Inggris) merupakan alat penyebaran dan perbanyakan generatif dari tumbuhan berbunga. Serbuk sari merupakan modifikasi dari sel sperma. Secara sitologi, serbuk sari merupakan sel dengan tiga nukleus, yang masing-masing dinamakan inti vegetatif, inti generatif I, dan inti generatif II. Sel dalam serbuk sari dilindungi oleh dua lapisan (disebut intine untuk yang di dalam dan exine yang di bagian luar) untuk mencegahnya mengalami dehidrasi.( http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbuk_sari )

Pollen adalah unsur reproduksi jantan pada tumbuhan yang berwarna kuning keemasan berbentuk serbuk halus.Pollen terdapat pada benang sari bunga tanaman. Setiap butir polen mengandung 100.000 hingga 5 juta spora pollen yang mempunyai kemampuan reproduksi membentuk tumbuh-tumbuhan.

Bagaimana Cara Lebah Mengumpulkan Pollen? Selain menghisap madu lebah juga mengumpulkan pollen, yaitu dengan cara mengkikis bubuk pollen dari benangsari bunga dengan menggunakan rahang dan kaki depannya. Setelah polen dibasahi dengan madu maka kaki belakang lebah yang dilengkapi sisir pollen akan menyisir pollen dan memasukannya kekantong pollen yang ada di kaki belakang tersebut. Cara memanen Pollen lebah tersebut adalah dengan memasang perangkap khusus (pollen trap) didepan pintu masuk kotak lebah sehingga pollen akan jatuh sebelum di bawa masuk ke dalam sarang lebah tersebut. Is tricky, isn’t it ?

Khasiat Bee Pollen:

  1. Mencegah serangan kanker
  2. Impotent, menoupouse, ketidaksuburan
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Tekanan darah tinggi.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Asma.
  7. Pembulu kapiler yang lemah.
  8. Diet, penyakit tukak lambung
  9. Gangguan prostat.

Bee Pollen merupakan salah satu jenis “Produk Perlebahan” mempunyai multi manfaat sebagai makanan dan kesehatan. Tepung sari ini berupa butiran sangat kecil yang diolah secara alami oleh lebah, dikumpulkan dari arther bunga jantan bercampur dengan nectar yang dihisap dan liur lebah yang disimpan di kantung yang berada antara kedua kaki belakang lebah. (Dr. Zen Djaja, Medical Consultant High Desert Malang, dr. Ivan Hoesada, dr. Sugiowantono, dr. Imelda T, drg. Bambang S.p BM) .
Bee Pollen mengandung 18 jenis asam amino (protein) essensial, asam lemak essensial, 14 jenis mineral, vitamin A, B, C, D dan E, hormon pertumbuhan, hormon reproduksi serta sebagai substansi lainnya berupa jenis alkolid yang menjadi khasiat dalam melakukan dalam melakukan stabislisasi metabolisme sel dan pertumbuhan sel normal (regenerasi – rehabilitasi) pada umumnya. Melihat kandungan bee pollen kaya akan asam amino essensial dimana sangat berguna untuk membangun dan memperbaiki sel-sel tubuh kita. Maka BEE-POLLEN kerap disebut INTISARI KEHIDUPAN.
Berbagai manfaat Bee Pollen tanpa membahayakan obat lain, InsyaAllah: Memperlambat penuaan/memperlembut kulit dan untuk lulur, memperlancar metabolisme metabolisme tubuh serta menstabilkan jantung dan mengurangi kolesterol. Mengobati luka dalam (bekas operasi, sakit organ dalam).
Merangsang syaraf kembali normal. Meningkatkan fungsi hati dan pencernaan, mengobati gangguan lambung, usus, diabetes, imsomnia, penyempitan pembuluh darah, mencegah pendarahan otak, mencegah kanker, anti oksidan, sembelit, meningkatkan stamina, fungsi jantung, mencegah penyakit tua sebelum waktunya dan untuk kecantikan. Mengobati rahim dan menyuburkan kandungan. Mensuplai gizi bagi kecerdasan otak janin. Zat sebagai makanan dan obat alami bagi terapi Diet Bee Pollen adalah makanan kesehatan (Healthy Food) yang berasal dari tepung sari bungan pilihan.
Semuanya penting bagi sistem tubuh manusia dalam jumlah yang seimbang, aman dan tanpa efek samping dikonsumsi untuk segala usia pria dan wanita. Bee pollen yang kaya akan gizi sangat efektif untuk menjaga kesehatan dan mengobati berbagai penyakit, DENGAN IZIN ALLAH TA’ALA.

Bee by Baby by catmadogma.

Bee pollen benefits are terrific and chances are that you could improve your health substantially with the various bee pollen benefits.The benefits of bee pollen have been documented for an extremely long time. But before getting into the many benefits of bee pollen you should learn a little more about it to better understand its benefits.

Bee pollen actually contains all of the nutrients you need to live. Certain studies on mice that have been fed exclusively bee pollen and nothing else have not shown any signs of malnourishment.

Some of the bee pollen benefits have to do with the fact that bee pollen has high concentrations of the B vitamin complex, and also contains Vitamins A, C, D, and E.

While there are many bee pollen benefits the only side effect is for those who are allergic to bees. If you are allergic to bees it would be best to avoid bee pollen.

One of the benefits bee pollen is well known for is that it acts very effectively as a natural energizer for your body.

Here you will find just some of the best benefits of bee pollen. Many people claim that the list of benefits is almost endless, but a lot have yet to be proven.

Scientists, physicians and researchers have been experiencing very positive outcomes in their work with bee pollen and decades of success to prove the many benefits of bee pollen.

There are have been many reports, articles and books that have been written suggesting that the benefits of bee pollen extend to being able to slow down the aging process.

Bee pollen benefits also extend to the area of weight loss. Bee Pollen has shown to have an ability to help in fat loss by rectifying a chemical imbalance that many people with weight problems tend to have.

Other weight control benefits of bee pollen include improving your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns fat); dissolving and flushing fat cells from your body due to the high percentage of lecithin contained in bee pollen; and it also helps to reduce your cravings for food.

Other bee pollen benefits include the fact that it is very effective in lowering your cholesterol levels.Bee pollen benefits relating to your sexual health are well documented as well. There have been many studies proving that bee pollen is very helpful in restoring the health of womens reproductive system and relief from the discomfort of PMS was also noted.

For men the bee pollen benefits for health are even greater. Researchers have recently found that bee pollen is very effective in helping prevent prostate problems. This is one of the best bee pollen benefits for men.

In addition, over 50% of men who were given bee pollen in a study of bee pollen benefits experienced a dramatic improvement in sperm count and were able to perform better sexually… after just one month of taking bee pollen. ( Hhmmm….! )

The benefits of bee pollen extend into almost every area of health that you can think of. Some really amazing medical results have been achieved. Bee Pollen helps to improve your immune system and detoxifies your body and much more.

There have also been some studies that show it may help in alleviating allergies.

There have also been a many clinical trials that have been carried out using bee pollen on cancer.

Athletes often use bee pollen for endurance, strength, stamina, and mental clarity.

The problem for many years, however, is that in order to receive the benefits of bee pollen it has been necessary to supplement with large amounts.

This is due to the fact that your body can actually use only about five percent of the active ingredients.

In fact, nowadays there’s have been proven that Bee-Pollen able to release about 95% of the active ingredients into your body when you take it. This is completely the opposite of most food supplement that normally only gets five percent!

“The Bottom Line On The
Benefits Of Bee Pollen”

The benefits of bee pollen are so great and more importantly have been proven to be excellent for your health, that it would be wise to give bee pollen an honest try.

Lose 40 Pounds In 4 Weeks!

Now, there is a bee pollen that can be mix to any healthy nutricion food such as Soy Been Milk. They have one of the strictest regulatory environments in the world for the manufacture of bee pollen, far exceeding U.S. FDA standards.

The Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen

It’s been suggested - and accepted by most doctors and nutritionists - that 35 grams of bee pollen daily contains all the nutrients needed by the human body to sustain life. Because bee pollen contains EVERY KNOWN NUTRIENT that your body needs, it’s a highly recommended health supplement to “fill in the cracks” when your diet sometimes falls short of ideal. In fact, bee pollen supplements are often used to bolster nutrition in famine-stricken areas.

Besides the obvious, though, there are specific health benefits of bee pollen.

  • Bee pollen benefits your immune system. Bee pollen contains proteins, mono and polyunsaturated fats, vitamins B, C, D, E, and beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, selenium, nucleic acids, lecithin, and cysteine, all of which have been proven effective in strengthening the immune system.
  • Bee pollen helps build resistance to allergies. Because bee pollen contains traces of the substances that can trigger allergic hay fever, some allergists prescribe it to help lower sensitivity to local plant pollens.
  • Bee pollen helps you to cope more easily with stress. Because it has a full complement of amino acids, essential fatty acids and vitamins that help regulate mood, taking bee pollen supplements can help you control the stress in your life.
  • Athletes have used bee pollen for centuries to help them increase their energy and endurance. While studies have yet to bear this out, it makes logical sense that the long-term effects of using a bee pollen supplement are extremely beneficial to athletes. Considering the full spectrum of nutrients that bee pollen provides, it only makes sense that long-term bee pollen supplements would help athletes - who deplete their bodies of necessary nutrients on a regular basis.

Bee pollen should be avoided by those that have an allergy or sensitivity to bee venom. Other than a worsening of allergic symptoms in those who are already allergic, there are few bee pollen side effects.

Because of the incredible potential of bee pollen and the very low risk of side effects, we recommend supplementing your diet with a daily bee pollen supplement. There’s one small problem with that - bee pollen consists largely of indigestible “husks”. In order to get enough of bee pollen benefits, you’d have to eat enormous amounts of it. Only about 5% of the total volume is bio-available to your body.

TAKEN FROM MANY ARTICLES….www.google.com/…..search : bee-pollen

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